
Vegitation and Animals


    The vegitation in the Mediterranean is dominated by scrubs and sclerophyllous trees. Evergreens are also located in the mainlands of this climate zones. Leaf shape and size is simialr throughout the Mediterranean areas. The reasons these plants are able to survive is because they are adapted to the summer droughts and moist winters.  There are sometimes very harsh frosts which also does not alow many plants to thrive in these reigons. Hence the harsh seasons plants have many unique adaptations which is a bennifit for farmers and gar The time when vegitation is at its highest is during the spring, because the tempatures are rising and the soil is moist. In a lot of areas the mainland woodland is gone. 


 This biome is very diverse.  Animals range from monk seals, to bats, to lizards to aardvark.  Most of them are small and/or nocturnal, because larger animals can't stand the heat, so they do not inhabit this land. tere are some issues for animals right now though. For example, scientists find that 40 different fish species could die out in the mediterranean Sea in the next few years. They are threatened with extinction due to overfishing, pollution and the loss of habitat. Monkfish also have been endangered. This species used to be abundant throughout the mediterranean sea, but now is restricted to small areas near few countries. Over the last several decades 900 new species have moved in to the mediterranean. This has done as much as altered entire food chains.